
What happend with monday
What happend with monday

what happend with monday

Willem Dafoe with Clara Read who play the grandfather and the Settman girls in “What Happened to Monday”. The situation that led to the creation of modified food led to more overpopulation. These aren’t families of even just two children, but at least three or four to each set of parents, which leads to even more overpopulation. This happens even today in our world, so what makes it so out of place? This occurrence happens every day in the movie, and to several mothers. For instance, one birth results in seven girls (the main characters). So, what’s the problem? The food that the scientists were relied on to create causes birth defects and multiple births by mothers in an unnatural way. Food has been genetically modified and there is a ton of it filling the once-empty shelves of markets. Set in 2073, and under the leadership of Nicolette Cayman, (played by Glenn Close), the world has been plagued by overpopulation in which case there is not enough food for everyone. WATCH THE MOVIE FIRST AND HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN- THEN READ.

what happend with monday

A clip from the Netflix original “What Happened to Monday”, released in 2017.

What happend with monday